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Our Plans & Pricing

You journey to complete legal compliance starts here!


For larger businesses
199 £ /mo
  • All Individual Benefits+
  • 10 Registers, Users & Sites
  • 6 Users & Sites
  • Fast Business Support
  • £2388 Charged Annually
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For small to medium businesses
49 £ /mo
  • 1 Registers, Users & Sites
  • Unlocked Starter Register Templates
  • Unlocked Article Search & Data
  • Legislation Guidance
  • Audit Control
  • Task Management
  • Reporting
  • Bookmark Articles
  • Business Support
  • £588 Charged Annually
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Need more?
  • If you are looking to get even more from the ISO Compliance Register toolkit then please contact us so that we can provide a bespoke solution just for you.
  • Contact for pricing
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All plans charged annually, please read our terms and conditions.